About me

Passionate about Japan for many years, I first discovered it, like many others, through manga. Over time, as I grew older, my love for manga evolved into a passion with Japanese culture. Blogs, articles, books, videos… After spending hours exploring the culture I admire so much, one thing remained to do: living in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Due to COVID, traveling to Japan was impossible for me, so all I could do was wait. To immerse myself more deeply in the culture, I began learning Japanese during the quarantine period. At 24 years old, after graduating from engineering school in France, I finally traveled to Japan for the first time.

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Being a photographer and having always dreamed of writing a blog, I decided to combine both passions to share my life in Japan.


Because of my passion for photography, I always grab my camera when I go for a walk. After spending hours walking around Tokyo, I’ve come to know many places in the city, though there’s still so much left to discover. Many Tokyoites have told me I know more about Tokyo than they do. However, I still love wandering through the streets, always searching for the next perfect spot.

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